
XL Page-Blog It

  1. Cookbook/PmForms (also used by Cookbook/BlogIt)
  'Post successful' => '',
  'Invalid parameter' => '',
  'Required condition failed' => '',
  'Unknown target' => '',
  'Edit permission required' => '',
  'Unable to save page' => '',
  'Invalid \'where\' option' => '',
  'An error has occurred' => '',  
  1. Cookbook/BlogIt recipe: Site.BlogIt-SideBar
  'Site Admin' => '',
  'Recently Written' => '',
  'Recent Comments' => '',
  'Categories' => '',
  'login' => '',
  '...' => '',
  1. Cookbook/BlogIt recipe: Site.BlogIt-CoreTemplate
  ## #control-panel
  'Unapproved Comments:' => '',
  'New Entry' => '',
  'Drafts' => '',
  'Published' => '',
  'Stickies' => '',
  'Statistics' => '',
  'logout' => '',
  'blog-grid' => '',
  'unapproved-comments' => '',

  ## #common-blog-head
  'By' => '',
  'on' => '',
  'Filed under:' => '',
  '(edit)' => '',

  ## #blog-list-view
  'edit' => '',
  'Tags' => '',
  'Actions' => '',
  'Title' => '',

  ## #blog-summary-list
  'more...' => '',

  ## #blog-form
  'Comments:' => '',
  'comment(s)' => '',

  ## #blog-form
  'Blog Title:' => '',
  'Type:' => '',
  'BlogID:' => '',
  'Tags:' => '',
  'Status:' => '',
  'Pagename (Group.Name):' => '',
  'Save' => '',
  'Cancel' => '',
  'Author:' => '',
  'Date:' => '',

  ## #comment-view
  'approve' => '',
  'unapprove' => '',
  'delete' => '',
  'Comments' => '',
  'Comment Approved?' => '',
  'true' => '',
  'false' => '',

  ## #comment-form
  'All comments are reviewed before being displayed.' => '',
  'Leave a comment' => '',
  '(required):' => '',
  '(required, will not be published):' => '',
  'Website:' => '',
  'Enter value:' => '',
  'Post' => '',
  'Name' => '',
  'E-mail' => '',

  ## #no-results-found
  'No more pages found.' => '',
  'Return to first page.' => '',

  ## #blogit-page-navigation
  'newer posts' => '',
  'older posts' => '',

  ## #blog-post-control
  'Title or pagename is required.' => '',
  'Title is required.' => '',
  'Pagename already exists, or is invalid/blank.' => '',
  'Invalid date.' => '',

  ## #comment-post-control
  'Name is required.' => '',
  'Email is required.' => '',
  'Email address is invalid.' => '',
  1. local/config.php
  'Read more...' => '',
  1. dates (long date, short date, date entry - %B is client SYSTEM local dependent). Use date expressions, NOT regular expressions.
  'd, I:p' => '',  #long date
  'd, %Y' => '',  #short date
  'm-H:%M' => '',  #date entry
  1. status types
  'draft' => '',
  'sticky' => '',
  'publish' => '',
  1. comment types
  'open' => '',
  'readonly' => '',
  'none' => '',
  1. ajax messages
  'Yes' => '',
  'No' => '',
  'Successfully added blog entry.' => '',
  'Successfully updated blog entry.' => '',
  'Successfully updated comment.' => '',
  'Successfully added new comment.' => '',
  'Are you sure you want to delete ' => '',
  ' row?' => '',
  ' rows?' => '',
  'Unable to perform delete operation.' => '',
  'Delete successful.' => '',
  'Unable to approve comment.' => '',
  'Unable to unapprove comment.' => '',
  'Approve comment successful.' => '',
  'Unapprove comment successful.' => '',
  'Unable to block IP address.' => '',
  'Blocked IP address: ' => '',
  'IP address is already being blocked: ' => '',
  'Unable to determine IP address.' => ''
  'Enter the IP to block:' => '',
  'Submit' => '',
  'Cancel' => '',
  'Either enter a Blog Title or a Pagename.' => '',
  'You have unsaved changes.' => '',
  'Parsing JSON request failed.' => '',
  'Request timeout.' => '',
  'Error: ' => '',
  'Cannot edit ' => '',
  'Error on edit return.' => '',
  1. validity messages
  'This field is required.' => '',
  'Must be a datetime (dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm).Must be a datetime.' => ,
  'Please enter a valid email address.' => '',
  'Please enter a valid URL.' => '',
  1. admin menu
  'All' => '',
  'None' => '',
  'Approve' => '',
  'Unapprove' => '',
  'Block' => '',
  'Delete' => ''

item rel=nofollow class=browse accesskey=''