
Signing at the Salon du Livre in Paris

Japan: chapter 2 of Kakei no Alice, or "wonder 2" as the mangaka calls it, is out since the end of February and counts 42 pages and no title page, there's a mere title written on the second page. Right, a bit disappointing after the blow of the color spread from "wonder 1". Her tight schedule is probably the one to blame: she will come to France at least 3 days this month but won't even take a break, chapter 3 is scheduled on March 28 in Aria #5.

France: complete information seems finally available regarding Kaori Yuki's trip to France (Paris)! Pika, French publisher of Devil's Lost Soul (Iiki no Ki), will use a ticket system for the signs: when you buy any of their manga at their booth, you get a ticket for the signing session of the day. There are about 50 tickets per day.
Moreover, you can try to win 1 ticket for each day through their online contest (10 to win per day, it simply saves from buying a manga). The second contest is much more appealing: you can win a private encounter with sensei somewhere in Paris on Friday morning! 10 places available only (ofc I've tried my luck *fingers cross*).

  • Fri March 21 - 10:30 to 11:30, VIP encounter in a parisian place (10 persons from contest)
  • Fri 21 - 14:30 to 16:00, signing at Pika booth R24
  • Sat 22 - 10:30 to 11:30, conference at the grande scène U6 (followed by Kaoru Mori's)
  • Sat 22 - 12:00 to 13:30, signing at Pika booth R24 / 16:30, signing at the FNAC Montparnasse library store
  • Sun 23 - 15:00 to 16:30, signing at Pika booth R24

Kaori Yuki refuses that we take a picture of or with her. Otherwise, the new edition of Angel Sanctuary by Tonkam continues with volumes 7-10 out today and 11-14 scheduled on the 9th April.


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